Fun With A Pencil: How Everybody Can Easily Learn to Draw

Category: Books,Arts & Photography,Drawing

Fun With A Pencil: How Everybody Can Easily Learn to Draw Details

Review “Fun with a Pencil is a wonderful drawing instructional book for beginners and aspiring comic book artist.  And this is a great reference book for your library.” – Retrenders Read more About the Author Andrew Loomis was born in 1892. After studying art he moved to Chicago, eventually opening his own studio, working in editorial and advertising for most of the top clients at the time including Kellogg's, Coca Cola, Lucky Strike and more. He also became renowned as an art teacher and his instructional books on realist illustration and art are acclaimed classics in the field. He died in 1959. Read more


THIS" REALLY SIMPLE BASIC STEP BY STEP DRAWING INSTRUCTION BOOK " WAS VERY MY FIRST DRAWING INSTRUCTION BOOK THAT GOT ME DEEPLY INTERESTED IN DRAWING!!ANDY LOOMIS takes you step by step!With a little practice daily ---LOPSIDED CIRCLES ARE NECESSARY AND can BECOME EXCELLENT CARTOON DRAWINGS ORIMPRESSIVE "REAL LIFE" PORTRAITS!TOOLS:Notes:Choice of Lead: #2B- 6Bsoft.H: Hard: HB, 2H to 9HThe Softer "B" pencils tend to smear much more readily than the "H".FIXATIVE Spray: Adds a protective coating to prevent leads from smearing.#2HB TICONDEROGA PENCIL: IS A GREAT PENCIL TO START WITH DUE TO ITS LOW COST AND AVAILABILITY.MECHANICAL PENCIL: Give you a variety of choices of lead hardness to choose from. They also allow for drawing extra fine pencil line details.KNEADED ERASER,PENCIL SHARPENER. Sand Paper Manicure File cardsART PAPER: I STARTED DRAWING ON BROWN PAPER SHOPPING BAGS and CARDBOARD BOXES! Until I began experimenting on different textures of paper attempting to find which texture and media(s) worked best for me.IMPORTANT:DEVELOP PATIENCE with YOURSELF: PERFECTION COMES LATER!DESIRE TO DRAW. Drawing is to me an unexplained DESIRE to recreate from your mind; what surounds you. Although I started drawing a a young age, FUN WITH A PENCIL WILL ALWAYS BE MY ART BIBLE". Especially when I'm going through an ARTISTIC DRY SPELL"All I have to do to get motivated is by: DOING THESE REALLY SIMPLE LESSONS in this book!!Recently; I received a letter from my younger brother who wished to learn how to draw. in his letter he explained that: "DRAWING RELAXES ME and I want to lean to draw!" Of course he is in for a BIG SURPRISE---I just had to buy him a copy of: "FUN WITH A PENCIL!There are many "Drawing Made Simple' books on the market today---BUT-- I found that they seem to have copied Andy Loomis's techniques or jump you into: GREY'S ANATOMY"Unfortunately, Andy has passed on but his drawings of characters and people live on within the pages of his many art instructional books. The Lessons are easy to do!You may find yourself mesmerized by their FUN TO DO AND SIMPLICITY!! YOU MAY FIND YOURSELF SAYING:"DID I DRAW THAT??""THANK YOU ANDY LOOMIS!"CONCLUSION:I BELIEVE IN THIS BOOK SO MUCH THAT I'VE ALREADY PURCHASED TWO COPIES OF THIS BOOK!!Buy Again?DEFINITELY!!!!!AFTER READING THE FIRST PAGE OF THIS BOOK---DON'T BLAME ME IF YOU GET HOOKED ON THE LESSONS!!

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