The Haunted Realm 2017 Wall Calendar

Category: Books,Religion & Spirituality,Occult & Paranormal

The Haunted Realm 2017 Wall Calendar Details

About the Author Internationally acclaimed photographer Sir Simon Marsden was known for his haunting black-and-white infrared photographs of mysterious landscapes and romantic ruins. His work can be found in the J. Paul Getty Museum in California and the Victoria and Albert Museum in London. His books include This Spectred Isle, The Haunted Realm, The Journal of a Ghosthunter, and The Twilight Hour. Marsden died in 2012. Read more


I have been a huge admirer of the late Sir Simon Marsden for years (I have all of his books and get his calendar every year). The 2017 Marsden calendar promises creepiness galore as it always has - his unique infrared photography make even the most ordinary extraordinary.I can't recommend Marsden and his work enough. This calendar is a good starting point for a beginner. Gorgeous!

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