Age Of TV Heroes: The Live-Action Adventures Of Your Favorite Comic Book Characters
Category: Books,Comics & Graphic Novels,Graphic Novels
Age Of TV Heroes: The Live-Action Adventures Of Your Favorite Comic Book Characters Details
Review "The late sixties through the seventies truly was the golden Age of TV Heroes. Flipping through this full-color glossy book is like spending time with an old friend. If you're a diehard superhero fan, you probably won't find any new or startling information in this book. What you will find are conversational reminiscing about the shows authors Jason Hofius and George Khoury grew up with and still love." Cynthia Boris, TV of the Absurd"The Age of TV Heroes, by Jason Hofius and George Khoury, is a comprehensive look at all the comic book characters who have made it to the small screen." George Gene Gustines, T: The New York Times Style Magazine" I hope you can still find a copy because it's terrific." Tony Isabella, Marvel and DC comics writer and co-creator of Black Lightning"Expect to spend some time digging through this loving and even obsessive story, but when you're done, you'll be an expert. Whether played straight or for laughs, whether they're fighting Nazis or global warming, the superhero strikes a chord in all our hearts -- someday, a powerful and mysterious being will descend and straighten out everything wrong in our lives. Once they had glowing halos, now they have skin-tight uniforms. All praise to the great god Spandex!" Carl F Gauze, Ink 19"Age of TV Heroes is a colourful, insightful love letter to this genre." Brian Heiler, Plaid Stallions Read more About the Author Alex Ross first came to prominence as the illustrator of Marvels before producing the award-winning Kingdom come. With a graphic novel for Vertigo (Uncle Sam), several projects for Marvel Comics and six oversized graphic novels starring DC's iconic heroes (collected in The World's Greatest Heroes), he continues to bring comics to a broader audience. In 2003, Ross was the subject of a retrospective of his work for DC Comics, Mythology (Pantheon Books), written and designed by Chip Kidd. George Khoury wrote and edited the Eisner-nominated Kimota and The Extraordinary Works of Alan Moore. He was a senior editor for the award-winning magazine Comic Book Artist; he was also a regular contributor to the popular Modern Masters series. He contributed many articles to a variety of magazines, newspapers, and websites. He was born and raised in New Jersey. His latest book is called Comic Book Fever. Read more
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Just started reading it. Great book but how can you forget one of the most perfect visual representation of heroes EVER with the omission of The Green Hornet and Kato played by Van Williams and the immortal Bruce Lee respectively.